September 9, 2020

Weekly Email Digest Released 📬

The Weekly Report from Marketing 360 is a performance report about your business. It’s a high-level insight into the past 30 days of business and marketing data from Marketing 360 – delivered straight to your inbox. This update is delivered every Wednesday.

Conversion Paths table made sortable 📊

You can now sort the Conversion Paths table in the Intelligence app to make it easier to find the most common methods customers are using to find your website. This is the first of many updates to make all Intelligence reports sortable.

Listings - Platform filters 📈

In the Listings app, you can filter by Platform to quickly navigate to the specific platforms you want to see. Search for the exact platform and select as many as you want.

Bugs🐞 & Technical Fixes

We cleaned up some data in the reporting apps to make them more accurate, updated some styles to make a better experience for users on smaller monitors and changed the way we handle errors on the Listings app for easier understanding.