June 17, 2020

Activate Facebook Conversion Actions

There are many different types of actions related to Facebook ads that you can track as conversions in the Marketing 360® Intelligence app. You can toggle on the actions that are meaningful for your ads on Facebook in the Ads app Settings.

Trouble Loading the App? Try Refresh

When we can tell that it’s taking a long time to load the Marketing 360® app, we give you a button to let us retry. We’ve got to keep trying!

Bug Fix 🐞CRM Pagination

Now when you update or delete a row or contact in the CRM, the pagination reflects the correct data.

Bug Fixes 🐞 & The Catch-All

Whether it was a typo (whoops) or some refactoring of code, there was a lot of work done behind the scenes this week that make the app run more smoothly. Enjoy!