February 24

New Data in Organic Traffic Reports

The Organic Traffic Report has been updated to include stats that are better aligned with the data from Google Analytics like Goal Completions rather than conversions, and Sessions rather than clicks.

In addition to updating the data, there's a fresh new look to the report that cleans everything up and includes time frame selections like many of the other reports.

Account Settings Updates

The daylight savings setting was relocated from its previous location in Other Settings to Business Info section. The location settings also moved from Business Info to a new menu tab in global settings called Locations.

What are all these settings updates about!? They're both in preparation for some great new improvements to the Reputation and Listings apps. Stay tuned!

Streamlined SMS Verification

Verifying info while signing up for a Marketing 360 account got a few clicks easier with a nice interface update for mobile users. It's the little things, right?

App Visibility Updates

Now that all the other settings have been removed from Other Settings, the name of the Other Settings in global settings to App Visibility to more clearly define what settings are displayed on that page.